I'm really blown away by this latest issue. The new staffers did an incredible job of unearthing some absolute gems. Please have a look:
Issue Twenty-Three (December 15, 2008):
Ants by David Aichenbaum «»
Earthrise by Christopher Bundy «»
The World Before This One by Jon Chopan «»
Ghost Bike by Thomas Cooper «»
The Sway of Trains by Lydia Copeland «»
Impressionists by Debra A. Daniel «»
Danseuses Nues by David Harris Ebenbach «»
The Head Fields by Terry Ehret «»
Shadows by Sherrie Flick «»
Heroin Girl by Larry Fondation «»
She Doesn't Ask Where He Goes by Stefanie Freele «»
Caved In by Barry Graham «»
Chicago World's Fair, 1893 by Kyle Hemmings «»
Coat and Shoes by Tania Hershman «»
Thirteen by Tai Dong Huai «»
Phoenix by W.P. Kinsella «»
Nearly Free by Dorianne Laux «»
Alien Lunch by Liane LeMaster «»
The Society for the Preservation of Everything by Kuzhali Manickavel «»
216 East Boalt by Jeannie Vanasco «»
Potatoes by Spencer Wise «»
Interviews: David Aichenbaum «»
Christopher Bundy «»
Jon Chopan «»
Thomas Cooper «»
Lydia Copeland «»
Debra A. Daniel «»
David Harris Ebenbach «»
Terry Ehret «»
Sherrie Flick «»
Larry Fondation «»
Stefanie Freele «»
Barry Graham «»
Kyle Hemmings «»
Tania Hershman «»
Tai Dong Huai «»
Dorianne Laux «»
Liane LeMaster «»
Kuzhali Manickavel «»
Spencer Wise «» Cover Art "morpheus" by Marty D. Ison «»
Letter From the EditorLabels: SmokeLong Quarterly
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