amazing kid
I don't normally post about stuff like this (hell, I hardly post about anything lately), but this is pretty wonderful. Thanks to Ellen Meister for passing this along.
Initially, I intended to use this space for NaNoWriMo ('04). I've since changed my mind. In general, this space will deal with the various things I'm doing as a writer and editor, but will occasionally delve into the personal as well. As if there are blogs that don't.
I don't normally post about stuff like this (hell, I hardly post about anything lately), but this is pretty wonderful. Thanks to Ellen Meister for passing this along.
Go see this play. Lookingglass Theatre was founded by several of my classmates at Northwestern University, and they're incredible. They've won numerous Jeff Awards (which is like Chicago's Tony) and are one of the big guns on the Chicago theater scene. And this looks like a show that will be particularly great. Laura Eason (hi, Laura!) has adapted Stuart Dybek's "The Coast of Chicago," which is one of my all-time favorite short story collections. Back when I moved out to Seattle to start a theater company with fellow graduates (exactly two years after Lookingglass did the same in Chicago), our first production was an adaptation we did of one of the short stories in the book, "Blight." That experience began an off-and-on (more off than on) acquaintanceship with Stuart Dybek for me, at one point resulting in our being blessed to publish his flash fiction, Brisket.